Sokeva-käsityö products are genuine Scandinavian design, but with an human touch. These handmade products are made by visually impaired craftsmen and women.
Sokeva-käsity is the service unit of Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired (FFVI). It employs about 500 visually impaired craftsman and –women, who produce their handicrafts in their own domicile, often even in their own homes. These artists prepare different household and cleaning manes, brushes, braided baskets and furniture, various textiles, mats and other interior products. Some of these craftsmen and –women do these handiworks just for a hobby, whereas for some, this is their profession.
Sokeva has supported craftwork among visually impaired people since the 19th century. The professional training of craftwork for visually impaired started in Finland in the beginning of that century. The centralized service unit for these handicrafts has been ongoing for more than 50 years. The trademark of this work is Annansilmä-flower, which means that the person made this product is visually impaired or totally blind.
The aim of the unit is to find, develop and discover possibilities of handicrafts that could been made by visually impaired persons. The unit purchases and delivers the materials for art workers, advises and guides of preparing the products, does research and development related to the products, takes care of marketing and helps craftsperson in direct marketing of their products.
The most important goal for Sokeva-käsityöt is to employ visually impaired persons. Another important task in their agenda is to eliminate the barriers and prejudices related to the possibilities of visually impaired persons to work as craftsman or woman.
Some famous designers have made collaboration with Sokeva-käsityö. For example Sokeva-käsityö manufactures Eero Aarnio’s Mushroom stools that are made from hand-woven wicker. This Finnish design classic was originally designed the stool as a multi-purpose piece of furniture for TV rooms and bed rooms, but this stylish stool finds its place in any room. Thanks to the supportive structure built inside the stool, the Mushroom stool is stable and sturdy.
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